I am interested in how the brain solves the complex task of integrating prior knowledge and multisensory information to establish stable and beneficial self-motion perception. Moreover, I am interested in the influence of vestibular information and self-motion perception on performance in spatial tasks.
My research focusses on
- cognitive and perceptual processes in ultrahigh magnetic fields (7 Tesla)
- multisensory integration and gravity perception
- the influence of posture and prior knowledge on percepts of self-motion
Wyssen, G., Morrison, M., Korda, A., Wimmer, W., Otero-Millan, J., Ertl, M., Szukics, A. A., Wyss, T., Wagner, F., Caversaccio, M. D., Mantokoudis, G., Mast, F. W. (2023). Measuring the Influence of Magnetic Vestibular Stimulation on Nystagmus, Self-Motion Perception, and Cognitive Performance in a 7T MRT. Journal of visualized experiments (193), e64022, doi:10.3791/64022
Ertl, M., Fitze, D. C., Wyssen, G., Mast, F. W. (2022). Estimating Vestibular Perceptual Thresholds Using a Six-Degree-Of-Freedom Motion Platform. Journal of visualized experiments (186), e63909, doi:10.3791/63909
Schöne, C. G., Rebsamen, M., Wyssen, G., Rummel, C., Wagner, F., Vibert, D., & Mast, F. W. (2022). Hippocampal volume in patients with bilateral and unilateral peripheral vestibular dysfunction. NeuroImage: Clinical, 36, 103212.
Ertl, M., Prelz, C., Fitze, D. C., Wyssen, G., & Mast, F. W. (2022). PlatformCommander—An open source software for an easy integration of motion platforms in research laboratories. SoftwareX, 17, 100945.
Klaus*, M. P., Wyssen*, G. C., Frank, S. M., Malloni, W. M., Greenlee, M. W., & Mast, F. W. (2020). Vestibular Stimulation Modulates Neural Correlates of Own-body Mental Imagery. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 32(3), 484-496. (*shared first authorship)