Research Interests
My academic work focuses on human experiences and behavior in the context of real, imagined, and virtual environments. I teach statistics and research methods in various contexts. My passion is in making use of research methods and statistics in real life -> w hoch 2 GmbH. I also am a dedicated emergency psychologist.
Keune, H., Weibel, D. & Wissmath, B. (2014). Ermittlung der Kosten für Forschung und Lehre am Universitätsspital Zürich. Schweizerische Ärztezeitung, 21, 839-824.
Stricker, D., Weibel, D., & Wissmath, B. (2011). Efficient learning using a virtual learning environment in an university class. Computers & Education. 56(2), 495–504.
Wissmath, B., Weibel, D., Schmutz, J., & Mast F. W. (2011). Being Present in More than One Place at a Time? Patterns of Mental Self-Localization. Consciousness and Cognition, 20, 1808–1815
Weibel, D., Wissmath, B., & Mast, F. W. (2011). The Role of Cognitive Appraisal in Media-Induced Presence and Emotions. Cognition and Emotion, 25(7), 1291–1298.
Wissmath, B., Stricker, D., Weibel, D., Siegenthaler, E., & Mast. F. W. (2010). The Illusion of Being Located in Dynamic Virtual Environments. Can Eye Movement Parameters Predict Spatial Presence? Journal of Eye Movement Research, 3(5):2, 1–8.
Weibel, D., Wissmath, B., & Mast, F. W. (2011). The influence of mental imagery on spatial presence and enjoyment assessed in different types of media. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 14(10), 607–612.
Weibel, D., Wissmath, B., & Stricker, D. (2011). The influence of neuroticism on spatial presence and enjoyment in films. Personality and Individual Differences, 51, 866–869.
Weibel, D., Wissmath, B., & Groner, R. (2010). Motives for creating a private website and personality of personal homepage owners in terms of extraversion and heuristic orientation. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, 4(1), article 1.
Weibel, D., Stricker, D., & Wissmath, B. (in press). The use of a virtual learning centre in the context of a university lecture: factors influencing satisfaction and performance. Interactive Learning Environments.
Weibel, D., Stricker, D., Wissmath, & Mast, F. (2010). How socially relevant visual characteristics of avatars influence impression formation. Journal of Media Psychology, 22(1), 36–42.
Wissmath, B., Weibel, D., & Reber, T. P. (2010). The impact of communication modality on perceived credibility of panel members. Electronic News, 4(1), 23-38.
Weibel, D., Wissmath, B., & Mast, F. W. (2010). Immersion in mediated environments – the role of personality traits. CyberPsychology & Behavior.
Wissmath, B., Weibel, D., & Mast, F. W. (2010). Measuring presence with verbal vs. pictorial scales: A comparison between online and ex post ratings. Virtual Reality, 14, 43–53.
Wissmath, B., Weibel, D., & Groner, R. (2009). Dubbing or Subtitling? Effects on Spatial Presence, Transportation, Flow, and Enjoyment. Journal of Media Psychology, 21(3), 114-125.
Weibel, D., Wissmath, B., & Groner, R. (2008). How gender and age affect newscasters´ credibility. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 52(3), 466–484.
Weibel, D., Wissmath, B., Habegger, S. Steiner, Y., & Groner, R. (2008). Playing online games against computer versus human controlled opponents: effects on presence, flow, and enjoyment. Computers in Human Behaviour, 24, 2274–2291.
Books & other contributions
Wissmath, B. Weibel, D. & Mast, F. W. (2010). The effects of virtual weather on presence. In F. Lehmann-Grube and J. Sablatnig (Eds.), FaVE 2009, LNICST 33, (pp. 68–78). Berlin: Springer.
Wissmath, B. (2009). Wie helfen nach extremen Einsätzen? Strategien für den Rettungsdienst und externe Betroffene: ein praxiserprobtes Modell aus dem Kanton Bern. star-of-life, 17(1), 15-20.
Groner, R., Schollerer, E., & Wissmath, B. (2008). Internet und Psychologie. In T. Myrach & S.M. Zwahlen (Hrsg.), Virtuelle Welten? Die Realität des Internets (pp. 29-46). Bern: Lang.
Groner, R., Weibel, D., Wissmath, B. & Schmitz, F. (eds). (2008). When Media Environments Become Real WMEBR. Book of Abstracts. Bern: Universität Bern.
Wissmath, B., Weibel, D., Stricker, D., & Mast, F. W. (2009, November). Spatial presence in dynamic environments. Tracking the visual attention allocation during exposure. Paper presented at the Presence 09 Workshop. Los Angeles, USA.
Wissmath, B., Hosmann, M., Weibel, D., & Mast, F. W. (2009, August). Facial feedback by proxy. A manifestation of embodiment in virtual bodies. Paper presented at 11th Congress of the Swiss Psychological Society SSP. Neuchâtel, Switzerland.
Wissmath, B., Weibel, D., & Mast, F. W. (2009, July). The effects of virtual weather on presence. Paper presented at FaVE 2009. Berlin, Germany.
Wissmath, B., Weibel, D., & Stricker, D. (2008, October). When and how to assess subjective overall judgments of presence? Paper presented at the Presence 08 Workshop. Padova, Italy.
Weibel, D., Wissmath, B., & Groner, R. (2007). Presence vs. flow in the context of computer games. In L. Moreno (Ed), Proceedings of the 10th annual International Workshop on Presence (pp.379-380). Barcelona:Starlab.
Wissmath, B. (2007, September). Traumatische Ereignisse – vom Unfallort in den Schockraum. Vortrag am 11. Weiterbildungskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Allgemein- und Unfallchirurgie SGAUC. Biel, Schweiz.
Wissmath, B. (2007, July). Addressing traumatic stress in patients, bystanders, and personnel. Challenges and opportunities for the emergency medical services. Paper presented at the 7th International Congress on Traumatic Stress SAPSI. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Wissmath, B. & Schlaeppi, B. (2007, April). Traumatische Ereignisse im Rettungsdienst. Poster präsentiert am 14. Schweizer Notfallsymposium. Bern, Schweiz.
Cyberpsychology & Behavior
International Journal of Psychology
Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media
Journal of Eye Movement Research
Swiss Journal of Psychology